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Salvation in the Name of YHWH

Salvation in the Name of YHWH: An Exposition of Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, and Romans 10:13, (c) 2021, Rosablanca Suen, 146 pp, ISBN 979-8520991342, Kindle paperback ASIN B09B23JGG8, Kindle eBook ASIN B09B8235MP

Salvation in the Name of YHWH:
An Exposition of Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, and Romans 10:13

Note: You are reading a sample of the book, not the whole book. This sample contains about one third of the book, including the front matter, the first chapter, and the appendixes. You can purchase the full paperback or the Kindle ebook from the location specific to your region. If you would like to get the entire book (full pdf file) for free, please contact Rosa, the author, at

This book by Rosablanca Suen is available in several formats, each with its own set of advantages.

Format 1: Web pages (i.e., the links in the blue sidebar). The advantage of this format is the Bible popup feature that displays a Bible verse when you hover your mouse over a Bible reference. Try it now with John 3:16 (no clicking needed).

Format 2: PDF file. This offers a book-like reading experience on a tablet (e.g., footnotes appear at the bottom of the page). You can download the sample PDF file using the download link below.

Format 3: Paperback. The advantage of a paperback is the ability to write notes on real paper. To order the paperback from, click on the link below.

Format 4: Kindle e-book. The advantage is that your notes and highlights are synced across all your devices. To order the Kindle book from, click on the link below.

Format 5: Epub or Mobi e-book. These formats have text that reflows well on smartphones and tablets. Good Epub readers include iBooks (for iOS) and Calibre (for Windows). Note: The epub and mobi downloads are temporarily not available while the book is still a sample.


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The front and back covers of the print edition:


(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church